Louis Jane values page banner_V2.jpg


Nature is alive. It honors connection and promotes life and energy within balance.

We design as a spiritual practice. Intuitively working with images and patterns of nature, we create our designs to inspire you to surround yourself with colors and textures that resonate with your essence and open a way for you to thrive.


Nature honors the process of growing and the rhythm of time. 

We design to encourage others to find and express their true self. To see the beauty in living, to be creative and bold, to speak their truths fearlessly. To inspire our families, friends, and colleagues never to stop learning, thriving, or growing. This is freedom.

Engaged not Passive

Nature embodies a cycle of giving.

We believe that we are all connected and take responsibility for our earth and each other. We choose to be active participants in the world by using only fabrics that are organic and sustainable. We give 10% of the net proceeds from each sale to charities that support our values; when nature thrives, we thrive.